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The LM statistics functionality provides you an overview about worked multipliers, their absolute and relative distribution over the bands and at all as well as the appropriated call signs.
The statistics functionality provides a separate table for each multiplier. If there is more than one table (multipliers) available, you can switch between the tables using the buttons located at the upper border of the statistics window. Accordingly, if there is just one multiplier (e.g. a country multiplier) there is only one button available.
The table contains in the first column the worked multiplier. In the same line there are two columns per band. In the first column you will find the absolute and the relative distribution for the band.
Example for the country multiplier in the CQWWDX: In line „SP" in column „80 QSOs" a value of „12 (13,4%)" is displayed. That means, that on 80m 12 stations from Poland have been worked. That is a percentage of 13,4 per cent of all the 80m QSOs.
In the second column you will find a list of the appropriate call signs. Have been worked 12 QSOs as in our example there will be 12 call signs in the list. The list is sorted by the chronological appearance of the call signs in the log, thus the call sign of the first QSO with the multiplier is the first list item and will be displayed by default. For this reason, the statistics overview looks like a classic multiplier check list as long as there no call sign item has been changed.
The statistics is affected by good QSOs only; dupes, cancelled QSOs and invalid QSOs will not be considered. QTCs will be counted as normal QSOs.
Menu: Statistics
See also
The log editor